By using Google Tag Manager, marketers can upload and edit their website’s tags with ease. You’ll no longer be reliant on a web developer or web master to edit the hard code on your website. From a user experience point of view, tag managers are a good idea because the overall load time of your website may be faster than adding all the different tags directly onto the website.
After you’ve created a GTM container for your website, you’ll need to copy the container snippet and paste it onto every page of your website below the opening body tag. Once the GTM container is live on your site, all other marketing and measurement tags can be added and edited using the easy-to-use Google Tag Manager interface.

This concept is of particular interest to marketers that would like to track calls because Delacon’s call tracking solution relies upon a snippet of code being installed on the web pages. Instead of placing the call tracking code directly onto your website with the assistance of a web developer, a variation of this code can be loaded into Google Tag Manager.
Perhaps after signing up for call tracking with Delacon, you can use the exercise to conduct an audit of all the tags and code snippets that are currently operational on your website and consider moving them across onto GTM. This way you’ll not only start to gain great insights into your customers’ behaviour but you’ll also have a potentially more effective website.